WAGR Changes for 2017
-- Notice Regarding 2017 Amendments --
Note: In order for the World Amateur Golf RankingTM to be as up-to-date and accurate as possible, particularly with respect to age/date of birth, we encourage ranked players: (a) to complete the Player Information Form (PIF) found on the WAGRTM home page; and (b) to periodically review their information on the WAGRTM website and provide updates to WAGRTM, where necessary. The submitting of such PIF information will also enable accurate publication of rankings by age group divisions (e.g. juniors, seniors, etc.). By submitting such information, players are deemed to have authorised WAGRTM to include them in any sub-rankings by age group within WAGRTM. All personal information will be kept confidential. A ranked player who does not complete the PIF is still eligible for inclusion in WAGRTM, but will not be part of any sub-rankings by age group.
Several amendments to the World Amateur Golf RankingTM will go into effect on Week 5/2017 (30 January 2017) and the following is a summary of the key changes:
- The minimum field size for women’s stroke play events will be reduced from 10 to 8.
- If a player has not earned any WAGRTM points in the last 104 weeks, he/she will be removed from the ranking.
- Professional events (with amateur participation), if conducted by associations affiliated to national federations or PGA organisations, will be included providing they meet current criteria. These events must be conducted at the state/territory/equivalent level or higher; city or regional professional events will not be included.
- If an event organiser has already completed a results template for AJGA or Junior Golf Scoreboard purposes, that template can be submitted to WAGRTM; the WAGRTM staff will convert it accordingly. Please submit to: Vincent Allocco, vallocco@usga.org
This memo is not intended to be an exhaustive list of every WAGRTM change for 2017, but rather a summary of key changes. For further information please consult the FAQ section on the WAGRTM website which will be updated with these changes in early 2017. The FAQs provide detailed figures and examples.
Should you have any questions regarding the 2017 amendments, please refer in the first instance to the FAQs section on the WAGRTM website. If the FAQs do not answer your questions, please contact WAGRFeedback@randa.org or wagr@usga.org.
Please know that WAGRTM is available to national federations and organisers of amateur and professional events and tours as a criterion for tournament field selection and for purposes of exemptions, national team selection, and orders of merit. Please find attached WAGRTM logos available for use in entry forms, on websites, etc., subject always to compliance with the terms set out at http://www.wagr.com/en/About-WAGR/Use-of-WAGR.aspx.
In order to keep WAGRTM as accurate as possible, please let WAGRTM know of any event date changes as soon as possible, and please remember to submit event results as soon as competitions have concluded.
All the best to you for your 2017 championship season.