Masterton vs Mahunga 30/08/20

Tee off is at 11am.

Play will be by DIVISIONS.

Seniors - start off No 1 BLUE tee.
Intermediates - start off No 9 BLUE Tee.
Juniors - start off No 156 WHITE Tees.

The order of play at all starting Tees is:
1st off Masterton V Mahunga;
2nd off Martinborough v Pahiatua and
last off Carterton v Eketahuna.


Contact: Ray Verhaart 0274 354649


Contact: Maurice O'Reilly 0275926794

Senior Singles

Kerry Mountcastle
HCP: +4.5
251 1949
1 up
Jason Walker
HCP: 5.2
234 423
Jamie Frew
HCP: 4.9
251 2152
1 up
Phillip Granich
HCP: 4.0
234 283
Phillip Tuoro
HCP: 2.6
266 6583
1 up
Zeb Livingston
HCP: 6.7
Nathan Frew
HCP: 5.8
251 2153
1 up
Kavarn Walker
HCP: 6.1
234 531

Intermediate Singles

Nuki Gordon
HCP: 10.4
251 2227
1 up
Wayne Evans
HCP: 12.5
234 29
Allan Carroll
HCP: 11.5
251 793
Shane Stewart
HCP: 13.1
234 108
James Brunton
HCP: 14.3
251 790
1 up
Paul Haxton
HCP: 13.2
234 352
John Dalziell
HCP: 17.4
251 9999
1 up
Laurence Butler
HCP: 14.9
234 14

Junior Singles

Derek Clarkson
HCP: 15.9
251 975
Kevin Gibbs
HCP: 18.4
234 382
Innes Kennard
HCP: 17.6
251 1447
1 up
Kevin Jury
HCP: 18.1
234 473
Brettt Gould
HCP: 18.0
251 1887
1 up
Maurice O'Reilly
HCP: 19.5
234 88
steve hemingway
HCP: 20.1
251 804
1 up
Graham Duckett
HCP: 22.3
234 26
9 (2) 3 (0)

Senior Fourball

Kerry Mountcastle
HCP: +4.5
251 1949
Jamie Frew
HCP: 4.9
251 2152
1 up
Jason Walker
HCP: 5.2
234 423
Phillip Granich
HCP: 4.0
234 283
Phillip Tuoro
HCP: 2.6
266 6583
Nathan Frew
HCP: 5.8
251 2153
1 up
Zeb Livingston
HCP: 6.7
Kavarn Walker
HCP: 6.1
234 531

Intermediate Fourball

Nuki Gordon
HCP: 10.4
251 2227
Allan Carroll
HCP: 11.5
251 793
1 up
Wayne Evans
HCP: 12.5
234 29
Shane Stewart
HCP: 13.1
234 108
James Brunton
HCP: 14.3
251 790
John Dalziell
HCP: 17.4
251 9999
Paul Haxton
HCP: 13.2
234 352
Laurence Butler
HCP: 14.9
234 14

Junior Fourball

Derek Clarkson
HCP: 15.9
251 975
Innes Kennard
HCP: 17.6
251 1447
1 up
Kevin Gibbs
HCP: 18.4
234 382
Kevin Jury
HCP: 18.1
234 473
Brettt Gould
HCP: 18.0
251 1887
steve hemingway
HCP: 20.1
251 804
1 up
Maurice O'Reilly
HCP: 19.5
234 88
Graham Duckett
HCP: 22.3
234 26
2.5 (0) 3.5 (2)
11.5 (2) 6.5 (2)